Another Wonderful Dog Park Day
Today was Another Wonderful Dog Park Day! We got a late start, and by the time we got there, Cemil was pretty excited. On the path walking in, as we got closer, he got happier. Max and Linda and Di and John were there, and we also greeted (and Radzi leaned on) all our regular friends. Then, all the dogs were over getting treats from someone–it was Bob! He and Emily came by and Spirit Cherry was very much with them.
Here’s a picture of our sparkler Caira Sue

waiting for the tennis ball.
Adam and Mary had brought birthday party bags and hats, and there were lots of goodies. Whatever Radzi let drop, Shelby was happy to clean up. Cemil went around meeting people and spending time with them, and Radzi ran a lap around our section of the park. Too bad he got in trouble for chasing the little dogs and had to have a time-out on his leash. There were lots of dogs there today even though it was cold–by California standards. There was even another Anatolian Shepherd–a pretty girl who caught Cemil’s eye for a moment.
Here is a tired Cemil, with his new toy. Thank you, Adam and Mary.

"Too much playing wears a guy out"
Radzi was tired too. Here he is with the party hat that Adam made. Really, Radzi is the one having a birthday tomorrow. He’ll be 5.

"Don't make me wake up"
As someone always says, just standing around watching dogs play is most relaxing and enjoyable. I’d add…and addictive. We can’t wait for next time.

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Cool party hat! That was very nice you shared the hat. We saw Caira Sue’s post and the hat looked a little small on you, but very hadsome!! Looks like a fun party!
(Peyton’s brother)
We had a wonderful time and ALWAYS love to see you and your regal dogs! Yes, Shelby, tho petite, managed to eat more goodies than Cemil and Radzi combined! We agree, Tripawd Pawties are addictive, looking forward to the next one. . .
A wonderful day indeed! Gotta love that purple pimp hat. But I’d say Caira Sue is more of a Firecracker! 🙂
oooops! Figures I’d get the birthdays confused! Oh well. I guess it was the 1 yr ampuversary that got me mixed up! Anyway, Happy birthday to Radzi. Adam still had a good time making the hat!
What you don’t know is that as we were walking up the path, someone coming back the other way said to us, “Are you with that group? I think you missed the birthday party.”
So, I need to clear up something. It was Radzi’s birthday–Cemil’s is in October (we celebrated his already, not that he objected to being the guest of honor twice).
Thank goodness Cemil shared the hat! I’m not sure Adam knew about Radzi’s birthday, or he probably would have made TWO hats! (probably a lucky thing for you-what on earth would you do with them?!)
It was awesome to see how big Cemil’s smile was as he came loping into the dog park. I swear it gets bigger every month! I honestly heard him say “I”m here! Let the party begin!”
Oh, what a wonderful update!
It would be nice to be nearer and be able to share the pawties!
Hugs and love
Cecilia & Spirit Hori