for Mary and Adam: Cemil’s Baby Album
Cemil was a “good gift” from the beginning. When Zeki died, none of the dogs in rescue would work well with the group I had, so I decided to get a puppy from the breeder Zeki had come from. I called her and she was going to be breeding her Emi, whose mother was Zeki’s mother, but Emi had tried a couple of times before and it hadn’t worked. This was her last chance. The daddy has a pretty well-known father–Cemil’s grandfather is Gerlach Beau.
There were puppies! Three females and two males, but they were all reserved. One of the people who had reserved a male didn’t respond to Linda’s email, so I got his spot. Even though I had wanted a female, Linda said, “If anyone can make this work, you can”, so I said okay to a male.
Linda chose my puppy for me. I went up to meet him when he was 5 weeks old.
Then he’s home…
Linda said she chose him for me because when the puppies would play and sometimes hurt each other, this one never got mad. She thought he’d do well with another big male dog. She was absolutely right!

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Mary, It sounds like you’ve inspired everyone to do a puppy page…now I have my work cut out for me!
These pictures are adorable. I’m just amazed at his tiny collar….do you think you could even get it on his leg now? 🙂
Your friend was right, Cemil was the right one in the litter for you. His personality matches yours perfectly. And he couldn’t of landed himself in a home with more love.
Nicely done!!
I was thinking about scanning some of Mag’s baby pictures, she is so old she pre-dates my digital camera phase!!
Karen and the pug girls
Love, love, love that sweet little puppy. OMG, they grow so fast. Thank you for the smile today. I needed it.
Yes! I think everybody should do a puppy page and include the family. After all, we’re all extended family anyway, right?
What a beautiful boy! Thanks for sharing.
You were a very cute puppy! We love your whole family. It looks like every one gets along very well! What a wonderful family!
He was so adorable as a puppy… and now he’s super handsome!!! Love all the picts! Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Angel Jake’s Mom
Cemil, you were such an adorable puppy! I know just what it was like growing into big ‘ol feet.
Mary, he is the CUTEST puppy I’ve ever seen! We should all do puppy albums, but I’m afraid I’ve misplaced most of mine in all my moves (I got Jack the year I graduated College…gotta love all the moving during college times, right?). I did find a couple pictures when I went to visit my sister last may, right before Jack’s diagnosis, so perhaps I’ll scan those in sometime. Cemil was born adorable and he just keeps getting better and better! Thanks for sharing 🙂
A good looking boy from the very beginning. Love the bed photo!