Rainy weekend
This wasn’t a good weekend for going places.
Mom is doing boring computer work, nobody feels like playing…
It’s her birthday today but she worked anyway. Her friend came over and made Mujde bark and we didn’t know until she got home, but she got flowers for her birthday. That must be a people thing. They don’t even smell like something good to eat.
The good part was, we got our dinner early. See that pill on top? It’s my mushroom pill and I swallowed it all by myself.
I think when we get finished on this computer, we’ll snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. That’s a different kind of fun than going to the Dog Park, but I like it just as well. Maybe next weekend the weather will be a little better and we can go meet some new people. I’ll let you know.

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Happy Birthday, Cemil’s Mom! And isn’t your 1-year ampuversary tomorrow??? I hope your Mom has some special treats planned for you! And don’t forget to wear the purple party pimp hat, perfect attire for an ampuversary.
Licks and Leans,
Happy birthday to Cemil’s Mom!!! Hope you all enjoyed your snuggle movie evening!!! 🙂 That’s always my favorite!
Angel Jake’s Mom
OOOOO! Beautiful flowers for such a beautiful lady! Happy Birthday, Mary!
Cemil’s right…nothing about roses worth eatin! But good job on that mushroom pill. Have a lovely night of cuddling, Mary…and many more happy birthdays!
(P.S. Did you wear the purple party pimp hat?)
Mary, happy birthday to you! We hope you take a day off to celebrate OK? Don’t work so hard. Follow Cemil’s lead, he knows ALL! xoxo
Happy Birthday Mary!!!!!
Someone has a ONE YEAR ampuversary coming up too…. 😉
🙂 Dawn and Raven
Happy Birthday Mary!! Those flowers are beautiful!
How does it feel to be 29?
Signed, the chauffeur and the maid
Happy Birthday, Mary! I dunno…I think snuggling with puppies is one of the best activities out there 🙂 I normally wake up in the early morning (3:30-ish) and I yank Jack up from the foot of the bed and force him to snuggle with me while I fall asleep. I love waking up and seeing his little head on the pillow next to me. Cemil must be such a good snuggler because he is so big and furry! Sounds like the best birthday ever!!!
<3 Laura and JackJack
Happy Birthday!! Cemil that sounds like a great weekend to me! Sometimes the lazy ones are the best!